2020 Year in Review
I began this travel blog website, as most do, to highlight those trips that are getaways from everyday life. In 2020, “everyday life” was the true adventure. And so, amidst this hiatus from travel, I’m using my blog as the forum to share my Year in Review. This annual document has been a tradition of mine for a long time, serving as sort of a long journal entry for the whole year. This year is different in that I really wanted to have this in a printed form that we could read and touch for years to come, rather than an email attachment or social media post that is soon forgotten when it slips down in the feed. So this year, I composed it into a photo book (using Canva). I’m only planning to print a single copy of the book to keep at our house, so for everyone else, here is the digital copy for your enjoyment! (If the frame below doesn’t load, you can also view it here.)