
Isaiah's Travel and Family Blog

The Journey of the Blog

I started this blog in 2015 when I took an extended road trip across the USA with my faithful dog, El Guapo, who would eagerly go with me anywhere.  I continued to write about some of my other global travels, but the real journey is not so much the places you go, but the people who go with you.  I met my wife Kim on an international trip to Costa Rica that I organized that same year with the local Asheville organization LEAF.  We’ve since made other journeys together, including our honeymoon, in which we brought back a surprise souvenir.  Nine months later in 2018, our biggest journey started when our son Walker was born.  Lacking the big travels away from home that first inspired this blog, my travel writing went dormant; furthermore, El Guapo grew progressively ill and had to be put down.  He overlapped with Walker for 3 months.  My focus centered on the role of fatherhood rather than the road.  But the name “Walker” was chosen because of our shared experiencing of walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain, and the pace at which we like to experience the world on foot.  And as Walker has gotten older and able to travel on his own feet, I have rediscovered in the absorbing eyes of a child, that the most adventurous trek can be a simple stroll around the neighborhood.  Fatherhood is my new frontier.  Thus I don’t have have to venture to some new or exotic place to have good stories to tell; this blog is newly dedicated to every-day adventures.   -Isaiah


Recent Posts

2024 Year in Review

The year 2024 had a lot to write about in terms of both travel and being home (including during a natural disaster beyond living memory). I chose this format so I can print it as a photo book and add it to our collection at home, but have added it here as one of my...

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2023 Year in Review

One of the major highlights of 2023 was "travel" as we again set aside a large chunk of our summer to go stay like a local in another place (Quebec City to be exact).  But appropriately, the Year in Review below is more than just travels away from home, but a lot of...

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2022 Year in Review

For all of 2022, I don't believe I've made any updates to this blog, and a big reason for that is I've reserved my major writing tasks to my annual tradition of composing my Year in Review with commentary and photos, which was no small task.  You'll find my 2022...

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2021 Year In Review

We recently received a number of end of the year Christmas postcards, where various friends or family highlighted their year in a few words and a few photos.  With some envy, I often ask myself why can't I be content with such brevity.  Why am I compelled each year to...

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Now I Know My ABC’s

Two things Walker loves at this age (2 1/2 years):  Seeing himself in videos and the ABC's.  To our surprise, he has fervently taken to letters - likes playing with them as shapes, puzzles and watching ABC / phonics videos online.  He also like singing, as I play and...

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